"Have Deep Roots Within"
The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body to feel it at all times...
If you keep your attention in the body as much as possible, you will be anchored in the Now. You won't lose yourself in the external world, and you wont lose yourself in your mind. Thoughts and emotions, fears and desires, may still be there to some extent, but they won't take you over.
Please examine where your attention is at this moment. You are listening to me, or you are reading these words in a book. That is the focus of your attention. You are also peripherally aware of your surroundings, other people, and so on. Furthermore, there may be some mind activity around what you are hearing or reading, some mental commentary. Yet there is no need for any of this to absorb all your attention. See if you can be in touch with your inner body at the same time. Keep some of your attention within. Dont let it all flow out. Feel your whole body from within, as a single field of energy. It is almost as if you were listening or reading with your whole body. Let this be your practice in the days and weeks to come.
Do not give all your attention away to the mind and the external world. By all means focus on what you are doing, but feel the inner body at the same time whenever possible. Stay rooted within. Then observe how this changes your state of consciousness and the quality of what you are doing.
Whenever you are waiting, wherever it may be, use that time to feel the inner body. In this way, traffic jams and line- ups become very enjoyable. Instead of mentally projecting yourself away from the Now, go more deeply into the Now by going more deeply into the body.
The art of inner-body awareness will develop into a completely new way of living, a state of permanent connectedness with Being, and will add a depth to your life that you have never known before.
It is easy to stay present as the observer of your mind when you are deeply rooted within your body. No matter what happens on the outside, nothing can shake you anymore.
Unless you stay present and inhabiting your body is always an essential aspect of it you will continue to be run by your mind. The script in your head that you learned a long time ago, the conditioning of your mind, will dictate your thinking and your behavior. You may be free of it for brief intervals, but rarely for long. This is especially true when something “goes wrong” or there is some loss or upset. Your conditioned reaction will then be involuntary, automatic, and predictable, fueled by the one basic emotion that underlies the mind-identified state of consciousness: fear.
So when such challenges come, as they always do, make it a habit to go within at once and focus as much as you can on the inner energy field of your body. This need not take long, just a few seconds. But you need to do it the moment that the challenge presents itself. Any delay will allow a conditioned mental-emotional reaction to arise and take you over. When you focus within and feel the inner body, you immediately become still and present as you are withdrawing consciousness from the mind. If a response is required in that situation, it will come up from this deeper level. Just as the sun is infinitely brighter than a candle flame, there is infinitely more intelligence in Being than in your mind. As long as you are in conscious contact with your inner body, you are like a tree that is deeply rooted in the earth, or a building with a deep and solid foundation. The latter analogy is used by Jesus in the generally misunderstood parable of the two men who build a house. One man builds it on the sand, without a foundation, and when the storms and floods come, the house is swept away. The other man digs deep until he reaches the rock, then builds his house, which is not swept away by the floods.
"Connecting With The Inner Body"
You may find it helpful to close your eyes for this practice.
Later on, when “being in the body” has become natural and easy, this will no
longer be necessary. Direct your attention into the body. Feel it from within. Is it
alive? Is there life in your hands, arms, legs, and feet in your abdomen, your
chest? Can you feel the subtle energy field that pervades the entire body and
gives vibrant life to every organ and every cell? Can you feel it simultaneously
in all parts of the body as a single field of energy? Keep focusing on the feeling
of your inner body for a few moments. Do not start to think about it. Feel it. The
more attention you give it, the clearer and stronger this feeling will become. It
will feel as if every cell is becoming more alive, and if you have a strong visual
sense, you may get an image of your body becoming luminous. Although such
an image can help you temporarily, pay more attention to the feeling than to any
image that may arise. An image, no matter how beautiful or powerful, is already
defined in form, so there is less scope for penetrating more deeply.
The feeling of your inner body is formless, limitless, and unfathomable. You
can always go into it more deeply. If you cannot feel very much at this stage, pay
attention to whatever you can feel. Perhaps there is just a slight tingling in your
hands or feet. Thats good enough for the moment. Just focus on the feeling.
Your body is coming alive. Later, we will practice some more. Please open your
eyes now, but keep some attention in the inner energy field of the body even as
you look around the room. The inner body lies at the threshold between your
form identity and your essence identity, your true nature. Never lose touch with